Client: Resonance/US Agency for International Development (USAID)
Need: Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) partner to support the Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) venture grant program.
Response: Develop strategic approach to MEL and address gaps, particularly on data-focused dimensions of the work at the portfolio level.
- Respond to urgent data needs to provide easy access to data insights for DIV’s leadership.
- Build a dataset of DIV-backed research papers and their findings.
- Create a new set of key performance indicators (KPIs) and develop selection guidance for grantees to streamline the use of KPIs across DIV’s portfolio.
- Combine multiple sources of data to create metrics of interest to the DIV team, provide insight into operations and performance to aid critical decision making and ongoing monitoring efforts.
- Combine historic application data to create a central repository of all applications received for quick extraction of metrics.
- Increase reliability of grantee data to create a portfolio view of DIV’s work that can be shared internally and externally.